Top traitor leigon = Night lords

                   TOP TRAITOR LEIGON

Hello,I am kind of new to warhammer but not that new I know all the basic lore but also a fair share of advanced veteren lore I also have couple of books of warhammer so not a newbie , using my knowledge about warhammer lore I will express my opinion about the top traitor legion  so let's get started.

The one and only                                                         NIGHT LORDS

 Explanation- First of all they have a badass name they are sadistic evil space batmans which are very cool unlike space priests and one of the favourite things I like about them is their armour like there is no other space marine leigon or chapter which has better armour then them only considering the badassery part of the armour,the most important reason is their reason to become traitor it was not because their primarch told them to it was because they could as they were born criminals and will stay criminals not even the astarte gene seed effects their criminal mind, and also they were hated by every other legion so why be loyal ?They are also kind of like a non chaos traitor legion some of them are with chaos but that's what happens when you live in warhammer 40k. There is one really good quote about the nightlords I read the other day  "the nightlords will kill you simply because they see no reason why you should live" one of the best quotes in warhammer for me ,they want the imperium dead as Horus so they can rule not chaos.Their primarch Konrad curze was already sadistic ,cruel ,madman and a broken person who commanded sadistic ,cruel ,madmans and hated them but they did not care they were as I said criminals ,the reason they were hated by their primarch was because Konrad had to choose that path so others won't ,the path of filth but his sons turned out to be the same as him but the only difference they wanted to and Konrad needed too.They are not like some crazy khorne warmongers they are sadistic warmongers. So I will basically right everything but in points incase people don't feel like reading-

  • Their badass armour 
  • Evil space batman
  • How they have a valid reason of why they became traitor
  • How most of them aren't with chaos 

It may seem small but trust me all the other traitor leigons don't come close because they all suck thousand sons can be in the top but they lose like almost all the time I think. 

So the reason why I didn't write about Konrad or any other as top traitor primarch is simply because all the traitor primarchs suck some are average but not enough for the top but their legions for sure.


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